How to Pay for Transit in Toronto

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Discussion Questions:
These questions are for you if you want to practice speaking or writing.
About the audio:
How can we pay for public transit in Toronto and other Ontario cities?
Where can we get this card?
How can we pay for it?
How can we add money to it?
How long can you use TTC after paying for one trip?
Can you go back without paying more money?
What about you?
How do they pay for transit in your home city or other cities you have been to?
How expensive is it?
Is the fare only for a one-way trip?
Do you always need to pay again for your trip back?
Is the price the same for a few stops and for a long ride?
How do people pay the fare? Do they use cash? Tickets? Tokens?
Where can you buy tickets or tokens?
How do you prefer to pay? Why?
Can drivers take cash for transit? (In Toronto, Ontario, they can NOT).
How often do you use public transit?
How do you like it?
Why don’t you like it?

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