Language Instruction For Newcomers (LINC)
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These questions can help you practice speaking or writing. You can choose any questions that seem interesting, skip those that don’t seem interesting, or make your own ones.
If you are already in Canada:
Have you registered for a LINC class?
Did you have to wait for a space in class?
How did you choose the class?
How long have you been attending the class?
How was it different from or similar to your other language learning experiences?
What was your favourite part of the class?
What was your least favourite thing about the class/ school?
How long are you planning to attend the class?
What do you expect to learn in this class?
Would you like to study at a school where student teachers regularly come to observe classes with experienced teachers?
Would you like to be in a class where a student teacher teaches?
Why? Why not?
About other countries:
What other programs do you know that could help newcomers to the country learn the official language?
How would they be similar, how would they be different from LINC?
Who can teach there?
Who can study there?
Who funds those programs?
How difficult is it to get in?
How difficult is it to study there?
How long are the classes/ courses?
How popular are they?
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