Public and Catholic Schools

Time is Up!

Time’s up

Time is Up!

Time’s up

Time is Up!

Time’s up
Discussion Questions:
These questions are for you if you want to practice speaking or writing.
Important Note: Generally, in Canada, we do NOT ask questions about other people’s faith and do not discuss religious matters with others. These are considered private decisions that most people would prefer to keep to themselves and not discuss publicly.
You can answer these questions for your own language practice, if you are interested. OR you can discuss them with a speaking partner ONLY if they also feel comfortable discussing this topic with you.
What’s your take on the issues of religious education?
Does it exist in your first country?
Is it available for a variety of religions or for the dominant one only?
Have there been any discussions in society about changing that?
What school would you send your own kids to?
Would you like to share reasons for your choice?

Time’s up