For example, you can teach at the college and university level with a Master’s or PhD - that's generally what they're looking for. Some college programs are also focussed on a specific trade or a specific industry.
So if you have experience in fashion design, - I don't know why that's the first thing that popped into my head, - but if you have experience in fashion design and you want to teach a college-level design course, then your industry experience is very important. It's nice if you also have a master's, but the industry experience is really what they're looking for, they are looking for practical training.
If you want to teach English to adults for example, that's a different type of because we have professional organizations in Ontario and in Canada that provide accreditation in those fields. So in Ontario, for example, there's an organization called TESL [Teaching English as a Second Language] Ontario, and they provide for what an adult education teacher needs to know and they accredit programs who teach...