How Landlords Find Tenants 2

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Discussion Questions:
These questions are for you if you want to practice speaking or writing.
Does Tim ever rent to a tenant without meeting them in person?
How many people can respond to an online ad (advertisement)?
Which applications does Tim look at first?
Does he always go through all applications?
What information does Tim usually confirm through phone calls?
Which information is sometimes missing from young applicants?
What does Tim do about that missing information?
What situation makes renting a place especially difficult?
What can make up for unemployment at the time when one is looking for a place to live?
What makes small private landlords so careful about choosing their tenants?
What about you?
Have you ever been a landlord?
How did you advertise your place?
How did you choose your tenants?
Did they need to complete an application?
How many applications did you usually get?
Did you ever rent a place to somebody without meeting them in person?
What did you pay attention to when meeting somebody in person?
How happy were you with your tenants?
Have you ever had any problems with your tenants? (Non-payment of rent, damage to the property, etc.)
What did you do about that problem?

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