
Living In Toronto

Living in Toronto Handout 1 doc Handout 1 pdf Handout 2 doc Handout 2 pdf Vocab Bits 1 Self-check Transcript Practice Discussion Questions Vocab Bits 2 Vocab Bits 1 Match these words with their meanings below. You can type the words or copy & paste them. Check your answers by clicking Submit at the …

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Downtown Living

Downtown Living Vocab Bits 1 Self-check Transcript Practice Discussion Questions Vocab Bits 2 Vocab Bits 1 Match these words with their meanings below. You can type the words or copy & paste them. Check your answers by clicking Submit at the end. hang around  –  diverse  – convenient –  commute – get worse – separated …

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My Neighbourhood

My Neighbourhood Vocab bits 1 Self-check Transcript Practice Discussion Questions Vocab Bits 2 Vocab bits 1 Match these words with their meanings below. You can type the words or copy & paste them. Check your answers by clicking Submit at the end. residential – transit  –  option – complain – enjoyable – excitement – location …

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